Bethlen Gábor Általános Iskola és Újreál Gimnázium
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Szerző: Krupanicsné Nagy Katalin @ 2020. január 12. - 22:46 :: 3368 megtekintés :: Angol

Egy nemzetközi ifjúsági szervezet, az AIESEC szervezésében november elején Grúziából kaptunk egy önkéntest, aki hat hetet töltött iskolánkban és segítette a munkánkat. Főleg az idegen nyelvi órákon vett részt, számtalan előadást tartott Grúziáról, az ott folyó oktatásról, az ország kulturális életéről, a munkalehetőségekről, és még sok másról. Érdekes volt számunkra, hogy egy olyan országról kaptunk információt, amiről igazán keveset tudtunk.

Nana Gvarishvili így értékelte a Bethlenben töltött néhány hetét:

I spent 6 enjoyable weeks in Bethlen Gabor secondary school. It was my first volunteer job abroad and I thought it could be hard to live and work at the same time in an unknown country but I was wrong. Because of friendly and warm people at school (and not only) I felt that I was a part of this family, I was feeling like I was at home. Thanks to kind and helpful teachers and students I had a great experience I will never forget!

The school is very unusual by itself. Grade master system, eco-friendly environment, primary school based on music education, etc. Everything was very surprising for me. I can say that we don’t have similar schools in my cities and I would like to have one at least. Time by time we were comparing Hungarian and Georgian educational systems. We found out similarities and also differences between our schools. It was quite interesting for both sides, because some details also were strange for them.

Mostly I was attending English lessons which were productive not only for students but also for me. Teachers have such a deep knowledge and passion to their subjects. Each teacher has their own method of explaining new material and remembering the old one. Their lessons are always interesting, creative and joyful. Also that’s the way they are preparing student for tests and exams. Teachers are trying to have close relations with students, colleagues and parents. And the best thing I noticed while working with teachers was that they aren’t only teaching them the school material but preparing them for the real life - how to be a good person, how to challenge themselves, overcome fears, etc. 

I am very thankful to Bethlen Gabor secondary school for choosing me, for giving me a chance to meet so many good people, for hospitality and respect, for new relations and big life experience. Maybe in the beginning I thought that 6 weeks were long period to spend in a foreign country but now I know that if I could have the chance to return back I would definitely go to work with the same team!

Biológia Ének Fizika Földrajz
Kémia Matematika Történelem Irodalom
Angol Német Francia Informatika
Testnevelés Társadalomismeret

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